Date Location
2018-06-26 Italy
2018-05-12 Poland
2018-04-27 Bulgaria
2018-03-28 Turkey
2018-03-23 Germany
2018-03-14 Brussels
2017-03-30 Genova

International Event for the release of the Common European Framework of Artistic Skills in Jail

After the first 3 phases (O1/A1-A3) would have been developed with the collaboration of both partners and selected external institutions, the project will introduce the achievements of the field-based research, the analysis of the skills put into practice within the organisations working in jail and the consequential definition of the skills required both from the operators of the artistic/theatrical organisations (incoming) and from the inmates assisting to the workshops and shows (outgoing).

At this stage, the delivery of a first and single event will be proposed in order to reach the following aims:
- Forwarding the achieved results in relation to data collection and analysis;
- Publicise and spread the first schemes for skills and, thus, the basis of the Framework of Skills definition task itself;
- Publicise the participation and work of the partners in order to enhance the creation of new relationships useful for the development of the Operations Manual to come, considering both the following steps of the project and the afterwards of the project itself;
- Introducing the details of the project’s innovative training paths that, considering their e- learning part, might be requested and used by anyone willing to participate in Europe. Participants will both get trained and help, through their feedback, with the qualitative evaluation of the training paths.

The functions of the ICT platform, until now used for communications and support to the research activities, will be amplified for E1 in order to involve as much as possible all the associates to the European stakeholders . The events implies preparation, release and maintenance until the end of action O2/A3.

Preparation: Actions that precede the release.
During this stage:
B1.1: The project website will be optimised in order to allow open access; access will not be reserved to partner operators only.
B1.2: The research analysis will be adapted in order to be efficiently, easily and/or concisely accessible to third parties.
B1.3.: Data collection tools and instruments, specially those addressed to external institutions, will be maximised in order to keep track the accesses and monitor the quality of such accesses (country, profession, organisation/reference, role, experience)
Release of the Framework of Skills
The event is functional to the presentation of the analysis and of all the actions carried out by the partners in relation to the definition of the target skills. It will involve representatives from the main related associations in the fields of formal and non-formal education, arts, volunteering in jail and from the involved public administration.
The event will take place:
B2.1: in the country of the project leader
B2.2: online, on streaming. The live presentation will be available via web both in direct broadcasting and afterwards.
National and field-related mass media will be involved.
Management of Feedback to the Framework
After releasing and publicising the Framework of Skills online, access will be guaranteed to all those interested in:
- following the development of the project step-by-step with access to research details, to the information coming from the observations on the skills and actions within artistic/theatrical organisations, to the multimedia support explaining the works in progress;
- studying via the e-learning training models;
- supporting data collection with feedback and comments on the experiences proposed by the project and by other European organisations.


"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."